Tuesday, December 31, 2013



Ortho-Tain offers an advanced orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth without braces. Ortho-Tain is quickly becoming a leader in teeth-straightening treatments.  More than 2 million satisfied clients have used Ortho-Tain to straighten their teeth without braces.  The treatment is quick and invisible.
Ortho-Tain advantages:
  • Straighten teeth with Nite-Guide® for the 5-7 year olds in months, with passive nighttime wear while sleeping, guiding the growth of permanent teeth into alignment. Occlus-o-Guide® for the 8-12 year old treatment lasts 4-10 months. Adult Ortho-T® appliances show results in 1-12 months.
  • Gently straighten teeth without braces and the discomfort of wires and bands.
  • Allows you to enjoy everyday activities, your favorite meals, and maintain excellent oral health.
  • Correct overbite, overjet, rotation, crowding, spacing, and align the joints for TMJ treatment.
  • Provide a healthy, attractive smile that naturally resists relapse for years to come!
  • Put advanced orthodontics affordably in your reach at about 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of braces or even the cost of Invisalign.
  • Enhance the smiles of adults, the mixed dentition age group (between 8-12), and children as young as age 5.
  • Shorten treatment time of traditional braces, retain and maintain correction, prevent snoring with a Snore-Cure® appliance, and protect enamel during sleep.
Making the right choice for you and your family in cosmetic dentistry is important. Here are a few factors to consider about Ortho-Tain:
  • Ideal cosmetic results
  • Faster treatment completion
  • Significantly reduced cost
  • Achieve your ideal bite easily, even in complex cases
  • Fewer office visits
 Please contact Uptown Smile with any questions you have about Ortho-Tain and schedule your consultation with us at (612) 822-1484!

Citation: www.orthotain.com

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

iTero Technology now at Uptown Smile.


iTero Intra Oral Digital Scanner


At Uptown Smile we strive to be on top of new technology that can provide our patients more comfortability and a better overall service during their visits.  One of our most recent product purchases does just that.  The iTero Intra Oral Digital Scanner.  This new device allows us to scan your teeth with great accuracy and eliminates having to make goopy impressions of your teeth.  This means much less discomfort to you!

Precision Scanning: iTero technology captures whole-tooth images without data sampling for precise scans.  This allows for more accurate restorations and virtually eliminates remakes to less than 0.5% and for those restorations to seat more easily. 

A Better Patient Experience!

  • Eliminates the discomfort of impressions and re-impressions
  • Restorations seat and fit more easily
  • Powder-free scanning for patient comfort
  • Provides real-time, high-impact visualizations to help educate patients

Compatibility with Invisalign! 

  • Treatment plans are posted 50% faster than for cases using traditional impressions
  • Scanning with iTero translates to 7 times fewer aligner fit issues
  • No more mess and gagging associated with traditional impressions
  • The Invisalign Outcome Simulator helps patients visualize how their teeth may look at the end of treatment

We hope that you find this information helpful.  You may contact us to make an appointment for restoration or Invisalign Treatment at (612) 822-1484.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Here at Uptown Smile we are passionate not only about your dental health, but also your overall health.  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, with the exception of skin cancer.  Statistics state that about 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. 

The American Cancer Society's estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2013 are:
  • About 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.
  • About 64,640 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).
The following statistics are received from breastcancer.org:
  • About 2,240 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in men in 2013. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000.
  • Breast cancer incidence rates in the U.S. began decreasing in the year 2000, after increasing for the previous two decades. They dropped by 7% from 2002 to 2003 alone. One theory is that this decrease was partially due to the reduced use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) by women after the results of a large study called the Women’s Health Initiative were published in 2002. These results suggested a connection between HRT and increased breast cancer risk.
  • About 39,620 women in the U.S. were expected to die in 2013 from breast cancer, though death rates have been decreasing since 1989 — with larger decreases in women under 50. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advances, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness.
  • For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.
  • Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Just under 30% of cancers in women are breast cancers.
  • White women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than African-American women. However, in women under 45, breast cancer is more common in African-American women than white women. Overall, African-American women are more likely to die of breast cancer. Asian, Hispanic, and Native-American women have a lower risk of developing and dying from breast cancer.
  • In 2013, there were more than 2.8 million women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S. This includes women currently being treated and women who have finished treatment.
  • A woman’s risk of breast cancer approximately doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. About 15% of women who get breast cancer have a family member diagnosed with it.
  • About 5-10% of breast cancers can be linked to gene mutations (abnormal changes) inherited from one’s mother or father. Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most common. Women with a BRCA1 mutation have a 55-65% risk of developing breast cancer before age 70, and often at a younger age that it typically develops. For women with a BRCA2 mutation, this risk is 45%. An increased ovarian cancer risk is also associated with these genetic mutations. In men, BRCA2 mutations are associated with a lifetime breast cancer risk of about 6%; BRCA1 mutations are a less frequent cause of breast cancer in men.
  • About 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic mutations that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations.
  • The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing older). 
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman's death is about 1 in 36 (about 3%). Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1989, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment.  
At this time there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. (This includes women still being treated and those who have completed treatment.)  
We offer hope for the fighters, peace for the survivors & prayers for the taken.
American Cancer Society 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dental Anxiety and You.

Dental Anxiety and You

If you are like most people going to the dentist is not on your “things I love to do list.”  But for some people, the thought of going to the dentist can bring on such a fear that they avoid getting the dental care they need. In fact, nearly 15% percent of Americans avoid seeing a dentist due to fear. 

For those who get sweaty palms, or feel their stomach getting sick before their trip to the dentist, it is good to know that this type of fear can be easily managed, and is even preventable as dentists these days focus much more on the comfort of their patients.  Technology has also advanced so far as many procedures are of a shorter duration than those of the past.

Ways to Manage and Prevent Anxiety for Your Next Dental Visit
Choose a dentist that you TRUST and communicate with them.  Remember that your dentist is also a patient, too!  Talking about your fears and anxieties will allow your dentist to listen and address your specific concerns and be gentle with you in those areas.  Use hand signals during the procedures to let your dentist know what is making you uncomfortable.

Daydream away!  Use your imagination and picture a place that makes you relaxed.  This can be a beach or by the lake, taking a walk in nature or being with someone you love.  Find a focus that creates a relaxing environment until the procedure is done.

Give yourself plenty of time.  Schedule an appointment for a time when you're less likely to be rushed, such as early morning, evening or weekend.

Create your own sound environment.  You may be bothered by the sounds drills or scraping, if so, bring an mp3 player or ipod and listen to your favorite music.

It could very well be that the unknown is what you fear, so don’t be afraid to ask questions before a procedure and make sure that your dentist does everything he or she can to make you feel comfortable during your visit. And getting regular dental care is vital to not only your oral health, but also your overall health, so it's well worth the effort.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sensitive Teeth

Do you have sensitive teeth?  What causes teeth to be sensitive?

Is the cold of frozen custard or a sip of hot tea a painful experience for you? Does brushing or flossing make you wince occasionally? If so, you may have sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth begins when the dentin, underneath your teeth, becomes exposed to receding gum tissue. The roots, which are not covered by hard enamel, contain thousands of tiny tubules leading to the tooth's nerve center. This allows the stimuli (hot, cold, or sweet food) to reach the nerve in your tooth, which results in the pain you feel.

It isn't one factor that leads to sensitive teeth, but many.  Here's a list of possible culprits.
  • Brushing too hard. Over time, brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down enamel and cause the dentin to be exposed. It can also cause recession of the gums (the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth).
  • Tooth decay near the gum line.
  • Recession of the gums. As gums move away from a tooth due to conditions such as peridontal disease, the root surface becomes exposed.
  • Gum disease (gingivitis). Inflamed and sore gum tissue may cause sensitivity due to the loss of supporting ligaments, which exposes the root surface that leads directly to the nerve of the tooth.
  • Cracked teeth. Chipped or broken teeth may fill with bacteria from plaque and enter the pulp causing Inflammation.
  • Teeth grinding. Grinding or clenching your teeth may wear down the enamel and expose underlying dentin.
  • Tooth whitening products. These products may be major contributors to sensitive teeth.
  • Your age. Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30.
  • Plaque build-up. The presence of plaque on the root surfaces can cause sensitivity.
  • Mouthwash use. Long-term use of some mouthwashes. Some over-the-counter mouthwashes contain acids that can worsen tooth sensitivity if you have exposed dentin (the middle layer of the tooth). The acids further damage the dentin layer of the tooth. If you have dentin sensitivity, ask your dentist about the use of a neutral fluoride solution.
  • Acidic foods. Regular consumption of foods with a high acid content, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea, can cause enamel erosion.
  • Recent routine dental procedures. Sensitivity can occur following teeth cleaning, root planing, crown placement.  Sensitivity caused by dental procedures is temporary, usually disappearing in four to six weeks.

How do you reduce tooth sensitivity?

It's easier than you think. Sensitive teeth can be treated. The type of treatment will depend on what is causing the sensitivity. Your dentist may suggest one of a variety of treatments:
  • Maintain good oral hygiene. Continue to follow proper brushing and flossing techniques to thoroughly clean all parts of your teeth and mouth.
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush. This will result in less toothbrush abrasion to the tooth surface and less irritation to your gums. Brush gently and carefully around the gum line so you do not remove more gum tissue.
  • Use desensitizing toothpaste. There are several brands of toothpaste available for sensitive teeth. With regular use you should notice a decrease in sensitivity. You may need to try several different brands to find the product that works best for you. Another tip. spread a thin layer of the toothpaste on the exposed tooth roots with your finger or a Q-tip before you go to bed. Do not use a tartar control toothpaste; rather, use a fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Watch what you eat. Frequent consumption of highly acid foods can gradually dissolve tooth enamel and lead to dentin exposure. They may also aggravate the sensitivity and start the pain reaction.
  • Use fluoridated dental products. Daily use of a fluoridated mouth rinse can decrease sensitivity. Ask your dentist about available products for home use.
  • Avoid teeth grinding. If you grind or clench your teeth, use a mouth guard at night.
  • See your dentist at regular intervals. Get professional tooth cleaning, oral hygiene instructions, and fluoride treatments every six months (or sooner depending on your condition).

web.md medical reference

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Are Restorative Dental Services

What Are Restorative Dental Services?

Restorative Dentistry is very common among people of all ages.  It is the treatment, and often preventative treatment, of diseases of the teeth in order to restore or bring them back to their best health.  We at Uptown Smile, in order to provide nothing but the best to our patients, use state-of-the-art technologies in all our procedures. These new technologies allow us to detect dental concerns at early stages, treat your dental issues with precision, and provide stunning and customized restorations. Procedures that can be considered restorative dentistry include:
  • pulpotomy, the treatment of the nerve
  • crowns
  • fillings
  • bridges
  • implants
  • dentures
A pulpotomy, or nerve treatment, is done when there is a large amount of decay (such as a deep cavity). If not treated properly and promptly, you could develop a serious infection or lose the tooth. The entire nerve or a part of it may be removed, depending upon the amount of decay. It is likely that a crown will be needed to fit over the remaining part of the tooth.
Teeth that are not formed properly, have a lot of decay or fractures (cracks), or have undergone a pulpotomy may require a crown in order to cover the remaining tooth. Crowns are also used when a very wide and/or deep cavity has done so much damage to the tooth that it needs to be protected in order to save it. The procedure can be done right after a pulpotomy, at the same appointment. The dentist will fit the crown over the top of the remaining tooth to keep it protected. 
A filling is used to fill in an area of a tooth that has been drilled out to remove decay (a cavity). Cavities that require a filling usually are not cavities with deep decay. To fill a cavity, the dentist will begin by using a special dental drill to clean out the decayed area of the tooth. The decay then is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned. Silver fillings called “amalgam” or white fillings called "composite" can be used to fill the area.
Bridges are false teeth that are designed to "bridge" the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Bridges can be anchored on either side by crowns and cemented permanently into place.
Dental Implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants are actually a small post made of metal that are placed into the bone socket where teeth are missing. The implant is covered with a replacement tooth called a crown.
Dentures are a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They are made of acrylic resin sometimes combined with metal attachments. Complete dentures replace all the teeth; partial dentures are considered when some natural teeth remain and are retained by metal clasps attached to the natural teeth.

Uptown Smile offers all of these services to keep your mouth healthy and happy!  Our special for the month of July is $50 OFF any restorative service. Call us today to talk about your preventative needs and any other concerns you may have about restorative dental treatments.

Uptown Smile
3100 W. Lake Street #305
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Phone: (612) 822-1484


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body

Did you know, that in taking just a few minutes, each day, to care for your mouth can help 
you establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime?  It's true! In fact, keeping a healthy body
from head to toe is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Taking good care of your 
mouth, teeth and gums does more than help ensure you have a bright, white smile. 
A healthy mouth and healthy body actually go hand in hand. Good oral hygiene and oral
health can improve your overall health, reducing the risk of serious disease and perhaps 
even preserving your memory in your golden years. The phrase "healthy mouth, healthy body" 
really is true and is backed by growing scientific evidence.

Here are 6 ways 
having healthy 
teeth and gums 
helps boost your 
overall health.

1. Boosts Your Self-esteem and Confidence
Decayed teeth and gum disease are many times associated not only with an unsightly mouth 
but also very bad breath.  It can be so bad it can affect your confidence, self-image, and 
self-esteem. With a healthy mouth that's free of gum disease and cavities, your quality of life is 
also bound to be better you can eat properly, sleep better, and concentrate with no aching 
teeth or mouth infections to distract you.
2. May Lower Risk of Heart Disease
Chronic inflammation from gum disease has been associated with the development of 
cardiovascular problems such as heart disease, blockages of blood vessels, and strokes.
Experts stop short of saying there is a cause-and-effect between gum disease and these other 
serious health problems, but the link has shown up in numerous studies. The findings of these 
studies may suggest that maintaining oral health can help protect overall health.
3. Preserves Your Memory
Adults with gingivitis (swollen, bleeding gums) performed worse on tests of memory and other 
cognitive skills than did those with healthier gums and mouths, according to a report in the  
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
Those with gingivitis were more likely to perform poorly on two tests: delayed verbal recall 
and subtraction -- both skills used in everyday life.
4. Reduces Risks of Infection and Inflammation in Your Body
Poor oral health has been linked with the development of infection in other parts of the body. 
Research has found an association between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis, an 
autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints. Experts say the mechanism of 
destruction of connective tissues in both gum disease and RA is similar.   Eating a balanced 
diet, seeing your dentist regularly, and good oral hygiene helps reduce your risks of tooth 
decay and gum disease. Make sure you brush twice a day and floss once a day. Using an 
antibacterial mouthwash or toothpaste can help reduce bacteria in the mouth that can cause 
5. Helps Keep Blood Sugar Stable if You Have Diabetes
People with uncontrolled diabetes often have gum disease. Having diabetes can make you 
less able to fight off infection, including gum infections that can lead to serious gum disease. 
And some experts have found that if you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop more 
severe gum problems than someone without diabetes.
That, in turn, may make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels.
Reducing your risk of gingivitis by protecting your oral health may help with blood sugar 
control if you have been diagnosed with diabetes.
6. Helps Pregnant Women Carry a Baby to Term
Women may experience increased gingivitis during pregnancy. Some research suggests a 
relationship between gum disease and preterm, low-birth-weight infants. 
Not all studies have found a solid link, but maintaining good oral health is still the best goal.  
If you're pregnant, visit your dentist or periodontist  as part of your prenatal care. Consider 
it good practice for the role modeling that lies ahead for all new parents.

Sally Cram, DDS, periodontist, Washington, D.C, and consumer advisor, America Dental Association. 
National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition.  
American Academy of Periodontology.
American Academy of Periodontology: "Gum Disease and Diabetes."
American Dental Association: "Healthy mouth, healthy body."
Noble, J. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, May 5, 2009, online.
El-Solh, A. Chest, November 2004, vol 126: pp 1575-1582.
Smolik, I. Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, May 2009, vol 30: pp 188-190, 192, 194, 198, 210.
Offenbacher, S. Journal of Periodontology, October 1996, vol 67: pp 1103-1113.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are becoming increasingly popular among many adults. Statistics show that 69% of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, gum disease, a failed root canal or tooth decay. Furthermore, by age 74, 26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth.

You may have not known this, but dental implants are more often than not; the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth. You see dentures rest on the gum line and bridges use adjacent teeth as anchors. Dental implants are long-term replacements that your dental surgeon will surgically place in the jawbone.

First Procedure
Dental implant procedures involve 3 hour long sessions. The first two are surgeries, followed by a crown or bridge fitting. The first surgery will involve implanting the metal rods into your jaw line. There will be some discomfort after the surgery but it usually isn't too extreme. After this surgery you will want to avoid sucking on straws, spitting and smoking. Your Surgeon may advise that you avoid brushing that area for a short amount of time, and may prescribe you an anti-bacterial rinse.  You will also be given pain medication. In about 7-10 days your stitches will be taken out.

Second Procedure
Your second surgery will be in approximately 4-6 months. Once the implants have attached to the bone, the Surgeon will make a small cut in the gum and remove the protective screw in the implant and replace it with a metal healing cap. Make sure to keep your openings clean as there may be the risk of infection with implants. Speak with your dentist if you feel any sort of pain.

Third Procedure
Two or three weeks after your second surgery you will go back to the dentist's office and begin having your bridge, denture, or crown made.

Dental Implants never slip or make embarrassing noises that advertise the fact that you have "false teeth," and never decay like teeth anchoring fixed bridges. Because dental implants fuse with the jawbone, bone loss is generally not a problem. After more than 20 years of service, the vast majority of dental implants first placed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the United States continue to still function at peak performance. More importantly, the recipients of those early dental implants are still satisfied they made the right choice. If properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Your new teeth will look and feel natural, and many patients have reported improved speech and breathing. But, you’ll still have to take care of it like your own teeth – see the dentist regularly, ensure proper hygiene and stop bad habits which can ruin your new implants.

Citations - http://www.aaoms.org/dental_implants.php

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Zoom! Teeth Whitening Special

Many people say that your smile is the first thing they notice; if that is true it's no wonder that Zoom! Teeth Whitening has become so popular.  A pearly white smile not only looks good, but it increases confidence and makes you want to smile more.  With Zoom! Teeth Whitening, you can lighten your teeth up to EIGHT shades in just around an hour.  It is the safest and most effective whitening system out there and is only available through participating Dentists, like us!  Over time the aging process, as well as substances such as coffee, smoking, soda, tea, and red wine gradually discolor your teeth.  Most discoloration requires professional tooth whitening to restore a beautiful white smile.

The Procedure

We recommend a cleaning and an oral exam before beginning the procedure.  When you are ready to begin your Zoom! Teeth Whitening experience your dentist will cover your lips and gums for protection, and then carefully apply a Zoom! Teeth Whitening Gel.  You will have three 15-minute segments where your teeth are exposed to a Zoom Lamp, which activates the hydrogen peroxide in the gel. As the hydrogen peroxide begins to break down, oxygen seeps into the tooth enamel and dentin, bleaching away any stains.

After Care

There is a small amount of aftercare once your Zoom! Teeth Whitening treatment is finished.  You are able to improve the longevity of your teeth whitening by brushing and flossing daily. Your dentist may also give you a Day White or Nite White at-home tooth whitening kit to take home for occasional touch-ups. Zoom! Teeth Whitening is intended to last a very long time.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening vs. Home Kits

There are many dangers of home whitening kids.  One of the dangers is that they will damage the enamel on your teeth, which is something you cannot get back.  It is important to protect the enamel while still being able to effectively whiten your teeth. 

The benefits of having a professional dentist use the Zoom! Teeth Whitening treatment are numerous!
1. It's Safe!
* This is one of the safest ways to whiten your teeth.  A dental professional is there to administer and monitor the tooth whitening procedure and ensure that everything works as it should.
2. It's Fast!
* The difference with professional vs. home kits is that the home kits take weeks and/or months to whiten your teeth just a few shades; as where Zoom! Teeth Whitening works effectively in just 45 minutes. The Zoom Lamp speeds up the tooth whitening process, lightening your teeth up to eight shades whiter.
3. It's Long Lasting!
* Zoom! Teeth Bleaching is designed to keep your teeth looking white over a long period of time. Excellent oral hygiene and occasional touch-ups keep your smile looking nice and bright.

As an April Special, Uptown Smile Dental is offering $100 OFF Zoom! Teeth Whitening!  With the summer just around the corner and all that comes along with it (weddings, vacations, special occasions) Zoom! Teeth Whitening could be just what you need to boost your confidence and showcase your already beautiful smile!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Invisalign. Is it right for you?

Invisalign has been around since 1997 and most of us have heard of the name or know someone that has had this treatment done in the past, but is it right for you?  We have found that many people qualify for Invisalign and the program can solve all different types of teeth problems without the hassle, cost, breakage and plain hideousness of metal braces. So, as you may be considering something like this for you, here's a little checklist and information gathered from Invisalign, us (Uptown Smile Dental) and multiple reviews.

Is Invisalign Right for You?
1. Do you shy away from smiling because you are self-concious about your smile?

2. Do you have a "treatable case" for Invisalign?
     -Crowding  -Gapped Teeth  -Overbite  -Underbite  -Openbite  -Overly Crowded  -Crossbite

3. Do you care what you look like wearing clear braces?

4. Would food restrictions make life extremely difficult for you?
5. Are you okay with not chewing gum?
6. Would it bother you to keep them in for 20-22 hours each day?
7. Could you handle a $200-$300 monthly payment for straighter teeth?
8. Would a 12-16 month program be worth it for the smile you have always wanted?

What does the process entail?

Your doctor will photograph and mold your teeth to generate a 3-D image of your smile. They will use Invisalign software to show you how your teeth will gradually shift into place, and you’ll even get to see your expected outcome.  Each patient is different, though most adult treatment times last between a year and a year and a half. Your doctor will then predict how long your treatment will last based on your current alignment.

Invisalign will create custom plastic aligners especially for you. The plastic is clear and nearly invisible, thus the name Invisalign, so your friends and coworkers won’t notice they’re in place. You will be able to remove the aligners to eat and to brush your teeth and use mouthwash. During treatment your teeth will stay healthier and cleaner than they would with traditional metal braces. You will wear each aligner set for about two weeks, and then you will switch to a new set. The new set will move your teeth closer to your desired look. The bonus of Invisalign is that you will be able to see your teeth moving to their ideal positions each step of the way.

Straight teeth will also improve your dental health, as aligned teeth are easier for you to floss and brush. The easier your teeth are to clean, the healthier they will be. You can top off your Invisalign treatment with Zoom! in-house tooth whitening to achieve the beautiful straight and sparkling smile you have always wanted!

Monday, February 11, 2013

February - National Dental Health Month

February is National Dental Health Month!  Here at Uptown Smile we want to continually raise awareness throughout the month of February among our clients and their families about the importance of good oral health habits.  

National Dental Health Month actually began as a 1 day event on Feb. 3, 1941. The ADA held the first single day observance that year.  In 1955 it became a week long event.  It wasn't until 1981 that the ADA extended this event to a full month long observance.

Many people, young and old, believe that it takes a lot of effort to change your oral health habits, but we beg to differ.  Here are a few ideas to teach your children, and maybe re-teach yourself to create a happy and healthy mouth.
  • Begin by making sure you and your family eat a healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables. As much as you can avoid sugary foods.  Did you know that high fiber fruits and veggies such as carrots and apples help prevent tooth decay?
  • Make brushing a "family activity."  This will encourage children that brushing isn't a chore, but something that the whole family can do together.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes.
  • Floss once a day.  This assists in removing plaque from between teeth. Show your children the correct way to floss.
  • Last, but not least, see your dentist regularly!

Citation: Disabled World News (2010-10-02) - National Dental Hygiene Month tips to help build good oral hygiene habits: http://www.disabled-world.com/health/oral/oral-health.php#ixzz2KYA6ezKZ